Wednesday, March 5, 2014

T3 Featherweight Journey Hair Dryer | Worth It?

I've mentioned before that I'm not a skilled hair person. Most of the time I wear my hair down, one side tucked behind my ear and out of my face. And if I'm sitting around at home in yoga pants I usually have it in a high bun. That's about it.

I'd also never given much thought to the hair tools I was using either. Typically my hair dryer and flat irons are from Wal Mart or something and I never give much thought about what they're actually doing for me. For instance, my Wal Mart hair dryer cost me maybe $40 and it works just OK. I'd long ago lost the nozzle that directs heat and don't even ask me where I've put the diffuser, I've convinced myself it never even came with one.

So I don't know what convinced me to pick up a $200 hair dryer, but I was browsing around in Sephora a few months ago and it was probably a combination of the high one gets while browsing Sephora (as you do) and the bright pink and white lights that made me not notice the hefty price tag.

Anyway, I ended up buying the T3 Featherweight Journey hair dryer, the thing I liked most about it was its size. As the name might suggest, it's a little smaller than your average heavyweight dryers (see what I did there?) and even if you never take it on vacation and just use it at home, the size still comes in handy.

Let's talk about what it actually does, because that's what's most important after all (or so I hear, like I said, I'm not a "hair person"). To compare, the time it used to take me to fully blow out my super long hair was probably 15-20 minutes if I wanted a good result. Now while using the T3? 8-10 minutes, even that's pushing it.

I feel like the T3 in general does a much better job cutting down my drying time not to mention since I'm not putting hot air directly on my head for prolonged periods of time anymore, that's probably pretty good for it, too. It also comes with two attachments like most dryers do, a diffuser and a directional nozzle. The nozzle is by far the best I've ever used and I will never look back!

A word of caution, though. If you have really long hair like I do, be careful not to let the T3 hoover it up in its little air grate on the back. My hair did this and I assume my hair got caught in a its little gears and it smelled horrible then stopped working - in that order. Luckily for me, my husband took it apart and cleaned it out and it works again, but him doing that probably voided the 1 year warranty. So, just be warned!

T3 Featherweight Journey hair dryer rating: 7.5/10

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